deKay's Lofi Gaming

Atarimix Happy 10 Games

Yes, it really is called that. This DS compilation of 10 old Atari arcade games came out a while ago, but was on offer at Play Asia for under a tenner (when I ordered, at least). I knew it was pretty crap, especially the bonus “remix” versions of the games, redone with “hip” graffiti-style graphics and stuff, but my jaw hit the floor when I realised just how awful they were. Played each and every one of the games, in …

Atari Anthology

Played this for the first time today. It’s a collection of some 65 or so Atari 2600 games, and 15 or so Atari arcade games. The bizarre side-effect of this, is that there are two versions of many games (such as Pong, Battlezone and Asteroids). Anyway, I played Adventure (and completed it on Level 2) mainly to see if I could remember the routes through the mazes. I could, but I seemed to be far crapper at the game than …

Adventure (Switch): COMPLETED!

Yes, the best Atari 2600 game. Well, one of the top three, anyway. I got “Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration” for Christmas and although I’ve played a fair few of the games, most aren’t actually “completable”, what with being mostly score-attack arcade titles. Adventure, though, has an end goal – take the Chalice to the Yellow Castle. The game has three modes. The first is a shorter game with just one dragon, fewer objects and fewer rooms. The second is …

Things I’ve been playing recently

A lot of things, it seems. I’ve had a glut of new games over the last month and I’ve been playing each for a short time. I’ve yet to settle down and just work on one or two, so I’ve not made much progress in each. So here’s a list, in no particular order: Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (Vita) My subscription to PS+ was autorenewed before I could cancel it (the whole service got DDOS’d and I couldn’t log …

Emulation Newbies

New to the Emulation scene? Don’t understand terms like ‘roms’, ‘hardfiles’ and ‘disk images’? Want to get the best performance from your emulator? If so, then read on! This page is designed to aid people who are new to emulation, and to help you get the most from your emulator. It is by no means a complete HOWTO for emulation, but it will point you in the right direction. Due to the huge variety of type, styles and platforms for …